About Me
mail@jaspernalbach.de, LinkedIn, and GitHub

I am a PhD student at the Theory of Hybrid Systems group, RWTH Aachen University under the supervision of Erika Ábrahám and an associate member of the UnRAVeL training group since April 2020.

My research is on real algebra methods in SMT solving, with a strong focus on the cylindrical algebraic decomposition. I am developer of the SMT solver SMT-RAT.

Since 2016, I am running the first blog on mate ice teas, called Der Mate-Connaisseur. Since 2019, I am active member of Uni.Urban.Mobil. e.V., a civil society organization for green transportation and urban development.

I support the TCS4F Manifesto.

Blog Posts
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ORCID, dblp, and Scopus


  1. Levelwise Construction of a Single Cylindrical Algebraic Cell

  2. Merging Adjacent Cells During Single Cell Construction

  3. Under-Approximation of a Single Algebraic Cell (Extended Abstract)


  1. FMplex: A Novel Method for Solving Linear Real Arithmetic Problems

  2. Automated Exercise Generation for Satisfiability Checking

  3. Exploiting Strict Constraints in the Cylindrical Algebraic Covering

  4. Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings for Quantifiers

  5. Subtropical Satisfiability for SMT Solving


  1. Extending the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming for Strict Inequalities


  1. A Novel Adaption of the Simplex Algorithm for Linear Real Arithmetic


  1. On Variable Orderings in MCSAT for Non-Linear Real Arithmetic


  1. Embedding the Virtual Substitution Method in the Model Constructing Satisfiability Calculus Framework (Work-in-progress Paper)

  2. Embedding the Virtual Substitution in the MCSAT Framework



  1. Merging Adjacent Cells During Single Cell Construction

  2. Solving Quantified Non-linear Real Arithmetic Using Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings


  1. A Compositional Proof System for Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

  2. A Short Introduction to the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

  3. Constructing Single Cylindrical Algebraic Cells

  4. Subtropical Satisfiability for SMT Solving


  1. Levelwise Construction of a Single Cylindrical Algebraic Cell


  1. Extending the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming for Strict Inequalities

  2. Extending the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming for Strict Inequalities


  1. On Variable Orderings in MCSAT for Non-linear Real Arithmetic


  1. Embedding the Virtual Substitution Method in the Model Constructing Satisfiability Calculus Framework

Teaching Assistance

  • Satisfiability Checking

  • Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems

  • Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen

  • Satisfiability Checking

  • Formale Methoden

  • Neural network verification with Reluplex

Supervised Theses


  1. Speed up Single Cell Construction via Combinatorial Optimization


  1. Heuristical Variable Ordering in the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

  2. Implementation of Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings for Quantifier Elimination

  3. Improving Incremental Linearization for Satisfiability modulo Non-Linear Real Arithmetic Checking

  4. Piecewise Linear Under-Approximation of Cell Boundaries in MCSAT


  1. Exploiting Strict Constraints in the Computations of Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings

  2. Generating Coverings Using Virtual Substitution for Explanations in mcSAT

  3. An FMplex-inspired Simplex Heuristics

  4. Underapproximating Cell Bounds in MCSAT Using Low-Degree Polynomials

  5. An Incremental Adaption of the FMPlex Method for Solving Linear Real Algebraic Formulas


  1. Connecting Simplex and Fourier-Motzkin into a Novel Quantifier Elimination Method for Linear Real Algebra

  2. Conflict Generalization for Quadratic Real-Arithmetic Constraints in SMT-RAT


  1. Simplex Heuristics in SMT Solving

  2. Purging Spurious Samples in the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

  3. Efficient Data Structures for Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings

  4. A Level-Wise Variant of Single Cell Construction in Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

All theses were supervised with Erika Ábrahám.

Other Activities

Conference Reviews

SC-square 2020, CAV 2021 (Artifact Evaluation Committee), FMCAD 2021, IJCAR 2022, ISSAC 2024, CAV 2024, FM 2024, CASC 2024

Journal Reviews

MCS 2023 (SC-square)